Renee Meriste
3 min readJun 6, 2020

United We Stand

United we stand, divided we fall.

2020 is not even half way done and we have already had many unexpected events. This week’s occurrences in America touch all of us in many ways and it is very important to remember that we have three different events and three separate crowds in those events every day.

1. Protests and Protesters — The Right to Assemble is one of the most important parts of freedom and the majority of Americans support it since the First Amendment in U.S. Constitution states it clearly. People are backed by the Constitution to get important messages heard and make the necessary changes to develop our country further.

2. Agitators — they join the protest after a few hours, blend in and make a mess. The reason why they do it might be different — just to create chaos, anger against something or somebody, or maybe even get paid. Some of them are connected to group 3 and help group 3 move in on their goals.

3. Looters- they are the latest to arrive, often by car, they come to steal and let the riots distract, so they are able to get what they want. The riots lead the focus away from their activities.

Why do many media outlets and politicians add those 3 together? Remember we live in a click bait society. Clicks sell, TV’s need viewer ratings, politicians need votes — so headlines, short messages to get attention, that is their job and income. They can’t help themselves and they admit it. Attention Span is the moving power behind it.

United We Stand.
How can you help to unite the country?
Is your absolute maximum help online clicking, posting photos, and texts? Do you think every police officer is always bad?
The same police who might save you some other day?
Just think about what it feels like to have every bad word in every bad way you know, be yelled at you in front of your face. With different objects getting thrown towards you and you just stand there. And you do all you

can not to go to the fight. Is it easy or hard? How long could you take it, every day without sleeping much?

Do you want to help and unite us all?
If your answer is yes, there are many ways to help.

We are all different, but only United we stand and create a better future. — DO you go to the protest to support the cause and make sure Agitators and looters will not get mixed up with Protesters?
— DO you go to help the police keep looters away?

- DO you go and help store owners defend their stores?
— DO you go in the morning and help clean up those streets?
— Maybe you just want to help and pass water to the protesters and also to the police?

Remember, You are the President of your life and don’t try to be someone else, they are all taken. Be Yourself, support your community and bad things will not happen.
You don’t need to wait for someone to decide for you how to unite. You can do it yourself — it all starts from the small kind and supportive act you can do.

Bad things happen because good people do nothing. It does not matter if it is America or Estonia or the world, We have to stand United.

I sincerely hope by the time this article is published that the looting is taken care of and the message from the protesters have gotten through to the government and we will stand United for the better future, and first for the better 2020.

As a famous song from 1936 “Pick myself up” written by Jerome Kern and Dorthy Fields, performed by Fred Astaire said :

“Nothing’s impossible I have found, For when my chin is on the ground, I pick myself up,
Dust myself off,

Start all over again.”